Collective Bargaining Agreement Luxembourg Bank

In 2011, 69 company agreements were registered with the Ministry of Labour, compared to only six sectoral agreements.1 Commerzbank AG, Luxembourg Branch Commerzbank International S.A. Compagnie de Banque PrivãeQuilvestS.A©. Cornã ̈r Banque (Luxembourg) S.A. Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. Svenska Handelsbanken AB (Publ), Luxembourg branch TD Bank International S.A. Without prejudice to the provisions of Art. L. 211-18 et seq. of the Labour Code, working hours that go beyond fixed working hours, i.e. any work carried out outside the daily and weekly limits of the normal working hours of 8 hours per day and 40 hours per week, may be assimilated to overtime, provided that they are carried out at the request of the employer or his representative and in compliance with the regulations inside banks. (c) The economy, trade, finance and law are automatically considered equivalent to the requirements of the banking sector. The banks undertake to inform and consult the Joint Committee or, failing that, the Works Council once a year on the training policy and the projects that the Company intends to carry out during the next financial year.

In that case, it shall be fixed at the time when the calendar of public holidays referred to in the last paragraph of Article 8 is drawn up. IV. A. a) is established. Employees who are on duty at the time thus fixed benefit from this collective rest day.b) of knowledge, in addition to the basic language (including Luxembourgish) of foreign languages useful to the organizations concerned: English, German and French are automatically considered useful for a job in a bank. More than 26,000 people work in the banking sector in Luxembourg The staff covered by the agreement is assigned to six service groups. In case of disagreement with the evaluation, the employee can contact an internal complaints body within the company. The composition of this Appellate Body is as follows: After several months of negotiations, ABBL, ALEBA, OGBL and LCGB reached a retroactive agreement from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023. The base salary is the monthly salary resulting from the application of the tariffs set out in this Agreement and the salary increases set out therein. – For reasons of work organisation within the Bank, a rest day may be fixed collectively for the whole sector after consultation of the Joint Committee set up in Article 29 of this Agreement. Employees must strictly adhere to prescribed working hours and conscientiously perform the tasks and tasks assigned to them.

They adhere to the instructions of their superior superiors as well as to the ethical principles specific to the banking profession. If the Staff Committee considers that the refusal to authorise the pursuit of an activity outside the Bank is unjustified, it may refer the matter to the Joint Committee set up by Article 29 of this Agreement. Hours worked on a public holiday are treated in the same way as hours worked on Sundays; In addition to the 70% increase, an employee who worked on a public holiday is entitled to a free compensatory day. For this purpose, reference is made to the “Protocol to the Agreement on Bank Guarantees” currently in force. The program can last three years. Training hours are treated as working hours. These agreements regulate the employment of around 50,000 workers in the banking and insurance sector in Luxembourg. Project Manager – It Organizer and Organization Senior Advisor in the Private Banking Private Banking Senior Portfolio Manager Private Banking The normal hourly wage results from the distribution of the basic monthly salary referred to in Article 23 of this Agreement, supplemented by the seniority supplement and the twelfth of the 13th month, by the lump sum of 173. After lengthy discussions, the new collective agreement for bank employees 2021-2023 was signed on 10 June 2021 (CBA) by the ABBL and the unions ALEBA, LCGB-SESF and OGBL Financial Sector. The institutions covered by the collective agreement for bank employees undertake to invest an annual budget of at least 1 % of the reference salary xxxx defined in Article 23. A.

the collective agreement for the training of workers covered by the collective agreement. The amounts that can be taken into account in the 1% budget are the eligible expenses for which farms can apply for financial support from the State each year. The working time provided for in the rolling schedule is limited by minimum and maximum values. The minimum amounts are set by each bank and may not exceed 10 hours per day or 48 hours per week. Legislation introduced in 2004 formalized the situation to ensure that only representative unions can negotiate and sign collective agreements (see the section on trade unions for a definition of representativeness). On the union side, it provides for a bargaining committee composed of representative unions and union representatives in this sector. These unions must be part of the bargaining committee, as must any other union that has received the support of at least 50% of the workers covered by the collective agreement in the elections of workers` representatives. Unions that do not meet these conditions may be admitted to the bargaining committee, but only if the unions already present agree unanimously.

However, banks may introduce more flexible working time arrangements for all or part of their establishment in accordance with the procedures set out below. These procedures apply mutatis mutandis to employees under part-time contracts. Office Assistant – Private Banking Employees who have no banking experience are hired with a training period that prepares them as effectively as possible for the tasks expected of them. Depending on the degree of compatibility of the individual profile with the position concerned, the training period may be omitted. Starting in 2020, employee roles will be divided into four groups (A to R). According to the ABBL, each bank will rank its own roles. However, the same methodology is used which recommends the use of the following objective and transparent criteria as defined in the ACA: Entities falling within the scope of this Agreement must have an internal whistleblowing agreement in accordance with the CSSF Circulars (amended CSSF Circular 12/552) and taking into account Art. L.271-1 et seq. of the Labour Code.

It is guaranteed that the whistleblower who reports the suspicion in good faith will not suffer any negative consequences for acting in this manner in accordance with the procedure established in the Code adopted in the Company. However, an employee who reports in bad faith does not benefit from this protection. It is guaranteed that the accused person is protected while respecting the interests and rights of all parties concerned. – the first installation on the occasion of a first marriage on presentation of the certificate of change of residence of the bank employee and / or his spouse. Assets under management in the private banking sector (December 2020) 3) During the break, employees are not allowed to leave the bank: they must not interfere with the work of other colleagues in the same department or other departments (decision of the Joint Committee of 7 January 1986). How do you manage your banking relationship? How do you develop a career in finance? What about digital banking? The ABBL answers your questions about the financial sector. The term retraining refers to all training measures aimed at ensuring employability both within the undertaking and in the banking sector for workers covered by the agreement implementing the Convention of 25 October. June 2009 on harassment and violence at work in the banking sector (see annex IV).

Comprehensive data and analysis on the financial sector and banking sector covering areas such as private banking, retail banking, payments and employment. .
